9 October 2003
So I was hanging out with Dave at Starbucks (stupid evil empire with their stupid addictive coffee!) and we were talking about Rock, Paper, Scissors, and I was trying to convince Dave that "no, rock does not beat scissors! Scissors beat rock, rock beats paper, and paper beats scissors." Needless to say, being the astute young man he is, he was not taken in by my pathetic attempt to trick him into thinking the world had been conspiring to make him appear foolish by following false RPS rules. But then we decided that we should really shake it up a little; after all, the old rules have been in place for a long time... How about having scissors made of titanium? Or maybe the paper is like, a whole ream of paper that scissors could never cut through. Or the rock is sheet rock... or what if the scissors are those plastic safety scissors that you use in kindergarten (or in my case, high school) that couldn't cut through water? *sigh*.... see what happens while you're under the influence of corporate brainwashing?
Mmmmmmmm..... caramel frappuccino.......
29 September 2003
My knees are covered with bruises from dance class, I have a fat mosquito bite on the bottom of my foot, I have gained like ten pounds since I moved back to AZ and I can't fit into my clothes, I haven't been to the grocery store in two weeks because I can't afford it, I have a filling that has to be replaced because there's a new cavity underneath, Nick at Nite has been showing Roseanne for four hours every night for the last week, I have a zit in the middle of my forehead, the toilet is leaking, I'm still losing hair, the Diamondbacks did not make the postseason, and my herb garden is dying.
17 September 2003
So one of the women in the office brought in the Diamondbacks 2004 calendar. All I have to say is this: there are some majorly hot guys coming up through the farm system! I wonder how I can meet some of them...
8 September 2003
Because I am an awesome friend, I have agreed to take a particular dance class with Genie at MCC this semester. "Ballet? Oh, it's so beautiful and graceful!".... "Salsa? Cool, we can visit Tawnie in the Dominican Republic and go dancing!"... "Swing? Yeah, I love Brian Setzer!"... "Hip hop? Uhhhhh......" Whoever came up with the stereotype of white people not being able to dance, jump, groove, shake their booties, and what have you obviously had me in mind because I am clueless. Hip hop just does not come naturally to me; God knows why... needless to say, Rebel J will not be appearing at a nightclub near you... or anywhere else for that matter! Help me...
5 September 2003
31 August 2003
I just read the best book I've read in a long time. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown; I think it's been on the New York Times bestseller list for like 22 weeks and I'd been hearing about it all over the place, so on Friday night I picked it up and started reading around ten... and I stayed up until three to finish it. My heart was actually pounding as I read. I highly recommend it. It's hard to really say what it's about without giving away too much, but it has to do with art and religion and the hidden symbols and cryptology within. It's really interesting- I love that kind of stuff. And because I finished it the day I bought it, I was able to take it back the next day for a refund. Bonus!
24 August 2003
So I decided to start balancing my checkbook.... for the first time in four years. And I've come to the conclusion that life was a lot more fun when I didn't know how poor I was. That is, I've always known how poor I am, but it's a little more sobering when you see it in writing. Maybe I can sell my drain hair to a wig maker...
13 August 2003
I wonder at what point I should start being concerned with hair loss. The other day I cleaned a clog of hair out of the shower drain that was the size of a hamster. Granted, it was a couple months' worth, but it still seemed a little excessive... What I should have done was save it, then when I do go bald, I can have a wig made out of my own hair, and no one would be the wiser. But then I thought, what if I die, or get in an accident, or go into a coma, and people are going through my stuff and they find a big collection of drain hair? Do I really want that going through my loved ones' minds during the eulogy? But would it really be better to have them staring at my bald spot while I lie comatose? These are the kinds of things that keep me awake at night. Sometimes I think I'm neurotic, and other times I think I'm just a little insane...
10 August 2003
Today I am officially closer to 25 than 24.... ugh. I seem to always come back to this, don't I? I'd damn well better accomplish something by the time I'm 30 or else there's going to be real trouble! *sigh*... Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, I will never ever go back to retail sales. Yesterday and Friday, since the PHB made me go work at the new store both days, were the longest, most unproductive, foot-unfriendly days I have spent in a long time. Although yesterday I got OT pay and I found a couch and loveseat set I want to buy. Which is bad because I don't exactly have any money... but come on! It's purple ultrasuede! How can you go wrong?.... The answer to that rhetorical question being, of course, "You can't!" Sometimes I feel like the devil on my left shoulder is beating the living shit out of the angel on my right...
5 August 2003
Christ, I can't believe it's August already.... I've been at R & S for over 2 months now; only 22 days and I get my health insurance! Hooray! New contacts! Teeth cleaning! Pap smear! The fun never ends... Speaking of fun, I am such a sucker. I got roped into working this Saturday. Boo. Sure it's overtime pay, which I need like I need air to breathe, but it's going to be at the new outlet store, working on the sales floor, which I swore off when I left Charlotte Russe five glorious years ago. What kind of geniuses am I working for, who didn't figure out that they needed to hire people to work at this store? They should be down on their knees thanking me for helping out!.... Or at least, buy me lunch...
27 July 2003
So I keep thinking, "Oh, no one visits my site anyway...." and this combined with my utterly uneventful life has caused me to be lax in my site maintenance. But to the faithful few: thank you for your persistence. I will try to update more often and even be interesting as well. (If you're lucky...) So let's see... what has happened since the last update... well, I moved into my apartment, bought a car, started a new job, broke off what some might describe as a relationship but I prefer to think of as merely a "thing", had a minor stalker incident (#4- woohoo!!), started my first bridal job (for the ever-so-lovely Andrea), met a very nice young man who A.) has good taste in music and B.) doesn't stalk me, went to the Dave Matthews concert, almost collided head-on with a rather large 4x4 while trying to pass a slow moving Winnebago (which, incidentally, seemed to speed up when I started to pass it...) on the way home from Pinetop... okay, that brings us up to today. I guess things do happen to me, you just have to condense two months' worth of stuff into one day for it to look very exciting. So I'll be seeing you in September...
22 May 2003
Well, it's been one hell of a couple years. Although I'm going to continue updating my site after I move back to AZ, this is my last entry before I return home. So it seemed appropriate to recap everything that's happened since I launched the JewRoots project and this website. I'm at a turning point, or crossroads if you will, and as I begin a new chapter in my life (ahhh the cheese factor!), I look back at the collective experience of New York City and its effect on my life... In the last two years, I moved to NYC for school. I made 11 trips back and forth across the country (visiting 11 different airports in the process...cheers to Denver, jeers to Chicago Midway...). I visited the World Trade Center. I saw it destroyed and witnessed a city fall to its knees and rise again, as powerful and obnoxious as ever. There was a war in Afghanistan. There was a war in Iraq. Anthrax. SARS. Impetigo (in the dorms- gross!). Rob and I parted ways. My grandma died. My other grandma was diagnosed with colon cancer. A sniper terrorized the DC area. My family has scattered across the country, as have my friends. A fire burned down thousands of miles of my home state. The Diamondbacks won the World Series (yeah baby!). My very good friends got married. Another got engaged. Two of my friends had babies. I switched to diet soda. I experienced snow (and being snowed in!). I attended an opera at Lincoln Center. Got laid off (again!). I went to a D-backs game at Shea Stadium. Celebrated Chinese New Year in Chinatown. Got a tattoo. Toyed with internet dating. Got drunk for the first (and I hope, only) time. I am graduating summa cum laude from FIT. I got a job at a great company. I found an apartment and a great roommate. Each of these things had different kinds of effects on my life- some wonderful, some traumatic, but all interesting and welcome because they have contributed to making me the person I am today. Although I am anxious to get on with my life after this experience, I know I will always look back at this period of my life and be thankful. Thankful for the opportunities afforded me. Thankful for people in my life who I love, and love me. Thankful that I am learning every day what is most important in life. And now that I've finished my cliched pontification on lessons learned, I will leave you to your own ruminations...
18 May 2003
So the bitches at MSN are cancelling free photo storage so I had to redo all my JewRoots photos. What a pain in the ass... so I apologize for the horrid condition of the photo album, but for now it'll just have to do. Friday night was the senior show, and let me just say... thank GOD I wasn't relying on that to get me a job. It was horrible. The most unprofessional presentation I have ever seen; I was ashamed to be associated with it. Thank god I'm almost out of here. Days left in captivity: 5
13 May 2003
Well as much as I've enjoyed being a deadbeat, I am looking forward to my new job! Yay for me! Now it's just a matter of getting out of here... Days left in captivity: 11
6 May 2003
So I have a job interview this weekend... I'm flying out to AZ for the weekend and hopefully.... well, I don't want to jinx anything, so no details here. Anyway, I am very excited and very nervous.. I don't know how long it typically takes ulcers to develop but I think I may set a new record by the end of Friday. And can you believe it- my professor actually wrote me a recommendation! Muahahaha I've fooled her! Okay, enough for now; I've got to try and relax... Days left in captivity: 17
29 April 2003
Okay, so I was watching Field of Dreams tonight for like the 50th time (10th time this month as you may have noticed.. thank god for TBS!.... ok, not really..) and I usually let Matt handle all the movie references but I was just thinking about this and had to put it up. I love this movie. Every time I watch it, it makes me feel good about life. And it makes me cry... damn I'm a wuss! But the best part is this:
"The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again."
You know? And I feel like the world will always make sense as long as we have something like this to cling to as part of our lives. Or maybe it's just me... did I mention the D-backs actually won 3 in a row? Heh heh... Days left in captivity: 24
20 April 2003
Back from Spring Break... nice to get home and see everyone. Now I have a shitload of work to do and a cold on top of that! My favorite kind of souvenirs... oh well. At least Field of Dreams is on, giving me yet another excuse to procrastinate on my homework.. sweet! Days left in captivity: 33
9 April 2003
WTF is going on with the Diamondbacks!!! I know it's early and there's plenty of time to come back, but come on! This is starting to piss me off! *sigh*.... On a happier note, spring break is next week. Wooo! My last spring break ever... awww! Well it means I'm done with school so it's fine by me. Can't wait to get home to the nice weather and see all my people. And hopefully get some work done, get some job interviews, get some action... aha! I'm just kidding of course.. or am I? It is spring break.... Anyhoo, I'm sure it'll be great either way. Days left in captivity: 44
29 March 2003
Got an apartment! Woohoohooo! God, I'm so relieved to have that out of the way. Of course... no car and no job... but I'm sure it will all work out one way or another. I'm sure Van Buren could use a new gal... he he. Or I could go back to my plan of selling my organs on the black market. I'm just not sure where the black market is.. is it listed in the phone book? Hm.. may need to fine tune that plan a little more...
24 March 2003
Time to call the unemployment office; got laid off today. Again! Am I bad luck or what?Oh well... guess now I can spend more time on school. Or watching TV. Or sleeping... Aahh.. the possibilities are endless...
16 March 2003
Whew! What a weekend! Flew home late Friday night, went to Lindsey and Mikey's wedding Saturday evening, went out afterward and stayed up all night and then got on a plane at six this morning to get back to NYC and now am waiting to go pick Matt up at Penn Station... I am exhausted! But it was definitely worth it. It was a beautiful ceremony, and I am so happy for them. Seeing the two of them restores my faith that true love does exist. Maybe not for me, but in general! Congrats to my good friends!
8 March 2003
Hooray! I'm cured!... remember the teacher who told me to get counseling because she thought my family life caused me to be a perfectionist and thus I was too defensive about my work? Well, yesterday she said that I have really grown in the last two years and that I had a major attitude problem when I first came here but now I'm pleasant and "employable"... I didn't have the heart to tell her that what happened in the last couple years was that I basically stopped giving a shit and decided to become a yes-man (or woman) in order to get through this with as little hassle (and work) as possible. But at least my attitude problem is gone! Yay!
18 February 2003
Never going to live anywhere where it snows. Went to visit JoAnna & Co. this weekend. Rode the bus. Left Friday 10PM. Arrived in DC 2:45AM. Sat in DC bus station 3 hours. Ate stale Carls Jr. cheeseburger at 3AM. Left for MD 6:15AM. Got over 2 feet of snow. Governor declared state of emergency. No cars allowed on the road. Roads got plowed. Still couldn't go anywhere. Street they live on was not cleared. Bus was canceled anyway. Along with all other buses. Bought train ticket for monday night. Couldn't use because couldn't drive to train station. This morning drove an hour to train station. Train took longer than expected. Missed work. Missed half of class. Have tons of work to do to catch up. Cable internet connection down. Had to install AOL to get dial-up. Hate AOL. AOL is evil. Time to go.
11 February 2003
Okay, remember how depressed I was on my birthday last year? That was nothing. This one puts me, without question, into my mid-twenties... which means 30 isn't far behind....<sigh>.... if only I had more of a plan. *Non-sequiter alert* I'm watching "Emeril" and these women in the audience are swooning over his Valentine's Day menu. Please! If I see one more smarmy V-Day promo I will throw up. And no, it's not bitterness at being single! (Since, after all, it's by choice that I remain so...) Okay, that's enough mindless meandering for today. I'm sure there will be more later, as I have a seemingly endless supply of random thought...
6 February 2003
Okay, I try and try to be optimistic here, but it's damn cold and supposed to snow again tonight and tomorrow. And I have three teachers that I can't stand, one of whom told me last year that I needed therapy. And it's my birthday next week, which I find rather depressing... Sigh... life is great...
30 January 2003
Happy New Year! Back at school... boo. But... just one more semester! THANK GOD.